For the film's logline, synopsis, cast & crew info and more, please download our press kit.

"Fool’s Game takes what is already a generally stressful affair (hosting a dinner with old peers) and cranks it up a few notches. In the span of 15 minutes, the film unravels about two decades of accumulating disappointment and resentment that comes part and parcel with becoming adults in bad systems, and all the sparkling facades that need to be erected to take off the edge. The result works wonders... 
The writing strikes a refreshing balance between keeping some of the mystery intact and leaving clues for the audience to guess where the evening may be headed. Fool’s Game plays with multiple, interrelated ideas... it is their execution that makes it worthwhile."
- Indie Shorts Mag, Selected as Featured Short of the Day

"Fool’s Subtext is everything in Fool’s Game. A meticulous sense of craftsmanship, a dedicated collective command of purpose underlies virtually every frame of this carefully wrought 15-min. showpiece with consistent finely tuned contributions from cast members and creatives alike, fade up to fade out."

"It might be a “Fool’s Game,” but it’s pretty much a perfect short film. If there’s something they could have done better, it’s hard to conceive of what that could be."

"With Fool’s Game, it’s all about establishing subtext, slowly revealing secrets over time, And Fool’s Game does exactly that."

"An intriguing short drama about a get-together that does not go the way the attendees expect it to. Bell's sharp script creates scenes where the characters get into confrontation but not directly, instead unwilling insults resulting in drama and revealing a person's flaws.
The film is beautifully shot by Roberts and the cinematography looks wonderful thanks to Stephen Bell and Eric Moniz. The dramatic music by Ian Cusson is also a great plus at it creates an interesting atmosphere with the violin and piano melodies. The clever dialogue, strong performances, explored themes and the revelation at the end make this a viewing experience well worth one's while."
Coffeeshop Creative 
Phone: 1-647-637-5089
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